
Sign up for a Cycle of Engagement account and begin enhancing your early childhood services today!

Who can get a Cycle of Engagement account?

Pediatric primary health care providers or clinics


Early care and education professionals or community centers


Child welfare service providers or organizations


Any professional or organization dedicated to improving and promoting the health and well-being of children and families

Why get a Cycle of Engagement account?

With a COE account, you will be able to customize your own Well Visit Planner and online Promoting Healthy Development Survey family websites and tools, receive implementation and engagement resources, streamline data sharing across different early childhood system partners, and track quality improvement. To request a demo of the COE WVP system, CLICK HERE

Important note: The CAHMI is developing a pricing model for COE accounts to cover maintenance and improvements. However, during this early phase, COE accounts are free for early adopters who partner with us by providing feedback and sharing their experiences. We are committed to ensuring that any future pricing remains affordable and reasonable.

Try it out!

When you register for an account, we recommend using your first 60-days to explore and learn how to optimize the COE tools to best meet your needs! Be sure to stay connected with us and let us know if you have any questions about your account or customized tools.

Ready to get started?

Start by entering your email address

If you are not ready to try it out, CLICK HERE to learn more or HERE to request a demo of the COE system and features.

If you are interested in learning more about the CARE_PATH for Kids shared care planning model and tools, please go to www.carepathforkids.org.

Promoting positive health and flourishing of children, youth, and families is our greatest public health need and opportunity! Trusting relationships, personalized care, reliable and comprehensive data and ongoing engagement of families and communities is required.

This is the goal of the CAHMI’s Cycle of Engagement model and tools.

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Read our two-page overview on the Cycle of Engagement Well Visit Planner Approach to Care!

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See a recent national webinar on the CARE_PATH for Kids!

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Watch an overview about the Well Visit Planner!